If you’ve been fighting weight loss, but you’re not willing to starve yourself to a beautiful body, or you’re not willing to eat good food, I have something you’ll probably be interested in.
You may know a few people who are engaged in a sedentary lifestyle, drink beer, party, who never work out, lay around all the time, yet seem able to maintain an ideal weight.
My big question and concern with that is…
How do they do it?
Turns out many extra calories can be burned by participating in a variety of “strenuous” activities that require little, if any, physical exercise, such as some of these creative ways:
Activity | |
One hour of jogging |
751 |
Whimpering about aches or pains |
750 |
Complaining about a headache |
600 |
Whining about a sleepless night |
550 |
Reaching into medicine cabinet |
450 |
Creating excuses to not see a chiropractor |
400 |
Just kidding!
Do you know someone who seems to be burning way too many calories complaining about their aches or pains?
If you do, have them call the office today. If they mention your name, I’ll give them a FREE EXAM and CONSULTATION.
No office visit charges, nothing. They get this for FREE, just because they mentioned your name.