De – Stress… (4) Ways to Do It!

De – Stress (4) Ways to Do It!

   When you become a stay-at-home person, your options for de-stressing become a bit more limited. Instead of vegging out in front of the TV with a glass of wine and the latest flick, you find yourself watching Family Guy, surrounded by juice boxes and Jacob’s crackers.

Join a Local YMCA  – ( do we have this here in Malaysia…? )

The YMCA gets a bad rap from people who think it’s just a half-way house or a gym with old, broken down equipment. The Y’s mission is actually pretty cool: to bring the awesome benefits of mind-body health to everyone in the community, including you. You might think a membership rate of $40-60 a month is pretty high for a gym, but most Y’s come with child care, dozens of classes from Zumba to yoga, a pool, and a jacuzzi—a real value, if you take the time to find the programs and activities that are fun for you.

Learn a New Skill

Most people live in close distance to a community college or university extension, two types of schools that offer interesting continuing education classes. Bring a friend along and learn how to cook a new cuisine, make pottery, or do graphic design. At $120-200 for 6-10 weeks, these classes are a good way to get out of the house, take a breather, and learn something new in the process, at the same price that you would pay for a weekly movie and snacks or a restaurant meal.

Hike a Trail

It’s nice to have a relaxing activity that you can turn to, even when you’ve got the kids in tow. Load them up in the car or jump on the bus, and ride out to your local regional or state park. For a few dollars entry fee you can get a little exercise while being relaxed by the beautiful, quiet scenery. Bring a kite, Frisbee, or badminton set along, in case your kids need more fast-paced entertainment. Remember, you’re trying to de-stress.

Prevent Tension Headaches

  1. get adjusted regularly
  2. watch some TV to de-stress
  3. stick to a regular sleep schedule
  4. chill out with a cold pack
  5. rub in Tiger Balm to help the aches
  6. tame the tension by loosening your hair if you have it up
  7. take some Magnesium