Anyone can be exposed to too much stress and when that happens, it eventually shows up in your body and you start to feel it in places you wouldn’t think it would affect. |
What are some of the common symptoms stress can cause? Headaches, shortness of breath, upset stomach pain, anxiety – etc.
Stress is the body’s reaction to a real or imagined danger. It doesn’t matter if a bull or someone with a knife is chasing you… the chemical change in your body is still going to be the same.
Here’s what most people don’t realize. Physical, chemical or emotional stress can overload your nervous system. When that takes place, stress tends to show up where you are “most” vulnerable.
You might have it show up in your neck. Then again, it might show up in your low back. Maybe even between your shoulders, but it will start to show up. Stress can even increase the frequency of any headaches you may be experiencing and then compromise other aspects of your health.
Chiropractic care will help you accommodate your stress better. When you get some adjustments, you’re going to feel better. Call today if you’ve been experiencing any type of STRESS so you can start feeling the difference an adjustment can really make.