Does Everyone Require X-rays?

The Xrays are an incredibly important part of the analysis, allowing us to measure the disc spaces and shapes, allowing us to find the site of spinal dysfunction and nerve pressure and also find the specific site on the bone that we will need to contact in order to get you better. Unfortunately without X-rays we can not visualise the bony structures, ie vertebrae, of the spine. So if a subluxation is the cause of your problem then an X-ray is essential in determining the most precise way to correct it.

However in certain circumstances an X-ray may not be taken. Children’s bodies are constantly developing and changing, therefore X-rays are only taken in select cases. Also, pregnant women will not be X-rayed. PLEASE NOTIFY YOUR CHIROPRACTOR EVEN IF YOU SUSPECT YOU ARE PREGNANT.

Benefits of an X-ray:

  • Rules out pathology
  • Important visual record of the spine
  • Determines the biomechanical status of each spine
  • Identifies areas of spinal decay/degeneration
  • Confirms examination findings
  • Informs the Chiropractor the direction of misalignement. This allows maximal correction of the subluxation, quickly allowing the patients to return to optimal health.

I have seen other Chiropractors before and they were good enough to just fix me by feel; so why do i need x-rays here?

There are lots of reasons for this and it is often related to expertise. Many Chiropractors don’t specialise in difficult cases and therefore don’t learn to analyse the films as I have and still am.
It is true though that much of Chiropractic is related to the art and feel of the practice. I will see a patient who cannot be xrayed, a pregnant lady for example, but it is foolish in my opinion to have the facility to look directly at the spinal structure and not utilise it. It provides an abundance of extra information that is easy to get and free of any risk.

Would you allow your dentist to drill your teeth without an x-ray?  And those are just your teeth!  In this office I do not guess when it comes to your spinal health!