FREE August Health Check Up

FREE “AUGUST Health Check”

Schedule Your Friend or a Loved One For Their


(RM397 dollar value)

(All ages accepted, so have your friends call me immediately!)


Give this certificate to your FRIENDS & LOVED ONES during August and they’ll receive a FREE Health Check. We care about you and your loved ones and we don’t want to forget anyone, including the little ones. If you have a friend or family member that is currently “NOT” under our care, please give this certificate or a copy of it to them and tell them to bring it to us immediately. This Health Check is 100% FREE.

They are NO HIDDEN CHARGES, NO OBLIGATIONS and the purpose of this Health Check is to determine if they are a chiropractic candidate. As always, there are NO guarantees whether I can help, but if I can, I want that chance. There is nothing MORE important than your HEALTH. If you need additional copies of this Certificate, please call the office and I’ll send you them to you – FIRST CLASS, or through your email. Just call and give us your email address. It’s that Simple! You, your family members, and friends are always a “TOP” priority.

~ Offered to you as a ‘Courtesy by’ ~

Dr. Mike DC
B3-G-3 Temasya 8 Glenmarie Business Center /
(010) 366-2941 / 03-5880 1083

 “CALL NOWTo Reserve Your FREE August Health Check.

Don’t forget to share this with your friends, co-workers, and family!