When most people think of chiropractic care their first thought is back pain and spinal adjustments; however, there are a number of additional benefits to chiropractic care, including benefits to the immune system. -All American Healthcare


Chiropractic care was first linked to the immune system during the deadly flu epidemic in the early 1900’s.

The data reported that flu victims under chiropractic care had an estimated .25 percent death rate, a lot less than the normal rate of 5 percent among flu victims who did not receive chiropractic care. –Psycology Today

In Davenport, Iowa, 50 medical doctors cared for 4,953 cases with 274 deaths while 150 chiropractors saw 1,635 cases with one death. Outside of Davenport, medical doctors in the state treated 93,590 patients with 6,116 deaths. That’s one death out of every 15 patients. 4,735 patients were seen by chiropractors and only six patients died. That’s one out of every 789.

In the same epidemic, New York health authorities (who kept records of flu as a reportable disease) showed that under chiropractic care, only 25 patients died of influenza out of every 10,000 cases; and only 100 patients died of pneumonia out of every 10,000 cases.  This comparison is made more striking when viewed in the following table:

Influenza Cases Death
Under Medical  Care 10,000 950
Under Chiropractic Care 10,000 25
Pneumonia Cases Death
Under Medical Care 10,000 6,400
Under Chiropractic Care 10,000 100


Yes, the medical profession was seeing a majority of the worst of the worst; however, one of the greatest statistics backing chiropractic care comes from the state of Oklahoma. There were 233 cases in which the medical doctors had cared for patients and eventually pronounced them as “lost” or beyond hope… chiropractors took care of all 233 with only 25 deaths. – Healthfultips


There is a clear connection as to why chiropractic care can improve the function of the nervous system and body functions, but research is consistently working to show a clear connection between chiropractic care and the immune system.

How the nervous and immune systems work together

The nervous system and immune system are hardwired to work together to create optimal responses for the body and interact with each other more often than you may think. Both systems release hormones and tiny messenger molecules that can communicate with each other and other organs in the body.

The nervous system relays information to the brain from the entire body and can directly influence receptors in the immune system. The brain has the ability to use nerve cells to communicate directly with the immune system and trigger an immune response, and vice versa. The immune system can send signals to the brain to let it know of any foreign, unwanted antigens. The brain can then tell the nervous system to react.

Some studies show increased levels of antibodies and other essential cells in the immune system following an adjustment. In some cases, patients who were sick with colds, sore throats, and sinus congestion reported accelerated recoveries after their adjustments.


The goal of chiropractic care is to remove any interference in the nervous system that may prevent you from natural day to day functions. This is because the nervous system controls the functions of your entire body. Adjustments on a specific inflamed area of the body reduces stress on the nervous system, allowing it to better communicate with the rest of the body. The better your nervous system can function and communicate, the better the rest of your body can function and communicate.