Are Some Drugs Safe?


The truth is that even the so-called “safe” drugs aren’t totally harmless.  In an average twelve-month period, more than 1.5 million hospitalized people suffer from the side effects of the drugs and therapy they receive there.  Aspirin alone sends about 1,600 people to the hospital each year who die from gastric bleeding.


Drug interaction also creates a serious problem.  Some individual drugs may be relatively benign, but taken together they can be “deadly.”  According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the average American senior citizen is given more than fifteen prescriptions each year.  Sometimes, these come from doctors who aren’t aware of the other medications the patient may be taking.  This could lead to tragedy if the drugs cause a toxic reaction.


  1. J. Palmer said….

“All the drugs in the world cannot adjust or align a subluxated vertebrae.”  Why is the legal drug situation out of hand?  We know that in the U.S., the medical doctors are part of the problem because they write 1.6 billion drug prescriptions each and every year.  In seventy-five percent of all office visits to a M.D., drugs are prescribed.


But patients have to shoulder part of the blame also.  They seldom question their doctors and rarely request drug-free care, probably because most want a “quick-fix” rather than a slower, more sensible approach to health.


Finally, a great deal of blame fails to the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry which spends more than $10 billion each year…marketing its products which is much more than they spend on researching the safety of taking these drugs.  If the tranquilizer, Prozac, is a reasonable alternative to dealing with problems, how much of a reach is it to use marijuana or cocaine or worse?


Whether you want to believe this or not, whether you agree with me or not, adults design the paradigms.  It’s the pattern we set that our kids follow.  The next time you pop a drug, stop and consider what you’re telling your children without saying a word.


“Loss of life does not come from chiropractic adjustments; wish that we could say as much for surgical operations.”B. J. Palmer, D.C.