News Blog

Health and Wellness articles

Poor sleep health could contribute to inflammatory disease

A meta-analysis in Biological Psychiatry reports that sleep disturbances and long sleep duration are associated with increases in markers of inflammation.   “It is important to highlight that both too much and too little sleep appears to be associated with inflammation, a process that contributes to depression as well as […]

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Asthma Generation

Over the past six decades, we have witnessed a steady increase in Asthma cases in this country. Today, over 4 million Malaysians suffer from some type of Asthma, making it the most common chronic ailment in the Malaysia today. Asthma is a shortness of breath due to the contraction, inflammation, […]

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When was the beginning?

  I just wanted you to know that today’s handout is about answering a patient’s question. One of my patients asked me, “So Doc, when did Chiropractic begin? Was it a few years ago or a long time ago?” So I told her this. Chiropractic began in 1895 when its […]

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Sublux- Who?

If you’ve been reading my past newsletters or have been into the office, you understand that the nervous system controls literally every function in your body.   Your nervous system tells the heart to beat, it tells your lungs to breath, it tells your stomach to digest, along with every […]

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Chronic Health Problems

  Chronic health problems can affect your quality of life for decades. Yes, decades. Whether they are musculoskeletal in nature affecting your back, neck, and limbs or different where they affect your organs (heart, lungs, stomach, kidneys or sex organs), your daily activities may become limited and your longevity can […]

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The Spinal Column

What is it really? Chiropractors are often called “back doctors.” Actually, they have NOTHING to do with the back itself! They work on the spinal column — one of the most important and complex components of the human nervous system. The Nervous System The human body is a remarkable thing. […]

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Ask Mike what he’d do

Ask Mike what he’d do if you gave him Chiropractic adjustments and saved him from paying RM85,000 for an unneeded ulcer operation and drugs.   There is a better way.     When pharmaceutical companies advertise that prescription drugs can save ulcer patients like Mike from surgery, obviously it’s not […]

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Chiropractic & Your Neck

People experiencing neck pain often turn to chiropractic care for help. Most people, once they try us, swear by our care. People at this office keep saying the work we perform not only relieves their pain, but also often addresses the source of their aches, twinges, and throbs. There are […]

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Three Ways to Improve Your Daily Posture

  Of all of the things you hear these days about health and what you can do to stay healthy and feel better, posture may be the single most underrated topic of conversation. Obviously diet is extremely important, as is getting enough exercise and cutting down on bad habits that […]

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