Pain from Texting
200 billion. That’s the number of text messages sent each month in the Malaysia. Every day, adults spend over 80 minutes on their smart-phones doing tasks other than making phone calls, like surfing the web and text messaging. But it’s not just adults who’ve become heavy phone users. In 2010, the Pew Research Center found that 75% of teens have cell phones and send an average of 100 text messages a day.
Technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, entertain, and receive information. But the stronger presence of technology in our lives can detrimentally affect our health. A recent survey from the British Chiropractic Association shows that many people carry multiple gadgets at the same time like laptops, tablets, and cameras.
Nearly a quarter of the adults surveyed suffered from back pain by carrying too many gadgets at the same time. Often, when people use gadgets, they bend over or hunch their shoulders to view a screen or use their thumbs and fingers extensively to type and text. Too much of this activity can lead to pain in the shoulders, neck, back, and fingers.
If you’re a heavy technology user, you can take steps to avoid developing these problems. Try raising your cell phone screen to your eye level, stretch your fingers periodically, avoid writing long emails on the phone, and take frequent breaks. Also, when you’re going out, try only bringing the tech gadgets you need for the day to avoid straining your back and shoulders with heavy loads.
Your chiropractor can help you prevent and treat technology-related pain. Chiropractic is a proven method of treating back, shoulder, and neck pain. Talk to your chiropractor about ways you can enjoy the benefits of technology without the harmful health effects.