As you can tell, shock absorbers are very important to the ride your car has. Well what do you think can happen to your discs if they’re not properly aligned?
Yes. They can MOVE forward, and this will put PRESSURE on your nerves, and this PRESSURE will ‘choke off’ the nerve supply to an important organ or organs. That means dis-ease.
Your discs can bulge, herniate, degenerate and tear, but they don’t “slip.” Discs serve as the “shock absorbers” of your body. Separating each vertebra, they create the space for nerves to exit the spinal cord and so you can turn and bend. Rings of fibrous tissue called the annulus contain a soft jelly center and help keep your discs healthy.
In this office, we generally see ‘2’ types of disc problems:
Bulging Disc: A weakened area of the annulus allows the soft center of the disc to bulge out, putting pressure on nearby nerves. Bulging discs usually respond well to chiropractic care, often eliminating the need for surgery.
Herniated Disc: A herniated or ruptured disc is more serious. It seems most common in the lower back. This is when part of the soft center pushes out through a weakened area due to trauma or degeneration, putting pressure on the spinal cord.
Chiropractic care, along with walking, increased water intake and improved nutrition offer a natural, non-surgical resolution for many disc problems. If you haven’t had an x-ray, or an exam within the last (3) months, make sure you call the office immediately. The longer you wait, the worse the recovery will be.
Oh yeah, and don’t forget. Just because you don’t have symptoms, does NOT mean you do NOT have a bulging or herniated disc. A large percentage of people walk around with bulging and herniated discs. Call the office today. Don’t wait until you’re in the hospital waiting for surgery.CLICK HERE TO FIND OUT IF YOU QUALIFY FOR OUR DEGENERATED, HERNIATED & BULGING DISC TREATMENT PROGRAM