The Spinal Column

What is it really?

Chiropractors are often called “back doctors.” Actually, they have NOTHING to do with the back itself!

They work on the spinal column — one of the most important and complex components of the human nervous system.

The Nervous System

The human body is a remarkable thing. At any given moment, it performs hundreds of thousands of individual functions — circulating and purifying blood, turning fuel (food) into energy, maintaining proper internal temperature, taking in oxygen, and all the other operations which keep us alive and healthy. But we take it for granted.

Guided by the knowledge our bodies are born with — our Innate Intelligence — every cell and organ sends and receives messages to and from the brain.

In fact, the brain acts like a central communication depot, processing millions of messages every second. These messages, relayed as electrical impulses, are sent out over nerves the way phone calls travel along telephone wires.

A thick braid formed by BILLIONS of these nerves is attached to the brain and extends down from the base of the skull.

This is the spinal cord.

Smaller braids branch off from the cord. These braids divide again and again into tiny nerve fibers and fill the entire body, going to each cell, organ and tissue.

Every human being has an estimated 15 billion nerve cells. All send and receive messages as nerve impulses through the spinal cord. What we do here at this clinic is make sure those 15 billion nerve cells are working at their optimum. Your body does the healing. We just remove the interferences. That’s all. Your body does the rest.