“Why Fix Something – If It’s Not Broken?”
Many health problems you never feel at first but when you start feeling the symptoms – you want to correct the problem. If you haven’t addressed this problem, it makes correction much more difficult. This is why someone I used to know said, “If it ain’t broke, why mess with it?”
Not a good approach to health care, but something a lot of people think is good! They’ll say, “I feel fine. Why do I need to see a chiropractor?”
FACT: That’s the problem with the lifestyle-induced health problems facing our culture. This is a fast paced world. Everything is digital, and people do not want to slow down and smell the roses. Then their problem starts. Maybe there are no symptoms, but they quietly fester, slowly get worse and worse without any obvious symptoms.
Then for some strange reason they notice that every morning they get out of bed a little bit slower and stiffer. They hardly notice the incremental change, but as it builds up, they begin to notice it.
Ironically, these are often the same folks who religiously change their oil and do other preventive maintenance to lengthen the life, and the performance of their car!
If you like being at your very best, you have to pay attention to your body. If you do pay attention, that could mean: No shots. No medicine. No problems.
Make sure you refer someone to the office today so we can help them. They’ll thank you for your concern and your referral to the office.