This is a fair question, and this is where experience and the “art” of chiropractic come into play.
During your comprehensive examination, I’ll ask you questions about your condition, your age, your past and present lifestyle, your attitude towards other people, the job, and dozens of other factors.
These are evaluated, recorded and compared with similar cases.
Each one plays a role in the recommendations I make for the first phase of your care.
Here’s an example: A plane needs enough speed to take off, has to have the right size jet engines, etc. The same is true with our initial recommendations: If the visits are too far apart, we won’t create enough momentum to reverse the downward trend.
There’s a real skill in picking the right balance so I’m not letting you go to long between adjustments.
Sometimes I misjudge, as I am human, but for the most part, my experience has helped me know exactly what you need to get the maximum results.
But most of the time there are other factors – we’ve identified up to a dozen issues that can be involved. If you’re not progressing as quickly as you’d hoped, make sure you call me so we can see what else might be going on.