Ok, here are some of my best tips to stay healthy for the holidays. To be healthy you have to make healthy choices and do things that everyone else is not. Healthy is a choice, and a little planning, but it is well worth it. Your health is your biggest asset. Here’s to an amazing holiday season…
- One of the reasons sickness, as well as all other diseases, rise during the holiday season is due to poor lifestyle choices. These poor choices are in the areas of, not getting adjusted, poor nutrition, allowing stress to run rampant, failing to exercise, etc.
Eliminating sickness and disease by increasing and maximizing your health and functioning of every cell, organ, and tissue of the body. Studies have shown that those under Chiropractic care had an Immune System 200% stronger than those who did not receive care, and 400% stronger immune systems than Cancer patients!
- 20-60 minutes per day
- Burst/Surge Training Classes, Burns more calories
- Releases endorphins so you will not eat as much
- Increases metabolism/less fat storage
- Detoxify through sweating
- Increases body temp to destroy virus and bacteria
Food and Damage Control
Remember Acid/Alkaline Balance
- More acidic you are (Food By Man, Processed foods, sugars) The more likely bacteria, virus, fungus, cancer, inflammation, and disease will spread and develop.
Keep your water intake high. Try to consume 2.5L. water per day. Not only will you be more hydrated, but it will also give you the feeling of fullness. Sometimes when you are thirsty, your body may perceive it as hunger. So keeping your water intake up will curb your appetite, and case you not to eat as much
- Holiday Plan Of AttackEat your normal meals the day of the holiday
- Fiber drink, to give you feeling of fullness so you do not eat as much, plus preps the body to digest and push out the bad/processed foods
- Eat protein first, then veggies, then carbs/desserts
It is more important during the holidays to get your adjustments. It decreases stress, increases your immune system, and focuses your mind. So if you have to miss an appointment for any reason make sure that you make it up.